Maine 2019

Quarantine life has me daydreaming of our annual summer trips to Maine. Last year we had the pleasure of being there with Townsend’s sister and her family and it was such a joy to watch the cousins play. We feel grateful every year that they get to create memories swinging in hammocks, going on tractor rides, and playing in the yard all day.

This trip was a little slower paced than normal since Marvel was just 5 weeks old. But we had perfect weather to sit outside all day and hang by the fire pit in the evening. Its crazy that this was just less than a year ago but my kids already look so much bigger!

We managed to make it out of the house a few times for a few hikes. The Ship Harbor trail is one of my favorites. Its short and sweet so the kids can handle it most of the way (as long as we bring a million snacks and find walking sticks). There is a lot of variety on this trail which is one of the reasons I love it so much. Great views of the water for most of the path, a bunch of tide pools to play in, boardwalks to balance on, and big rock formations along the coastline.

One of my favorite things to do when we are there is wake up early and drive through Acadia National Park before it gets crowded with people. The kids love to go back to our favorite spots each year and get so excited when they see something they remember from the year before. And of course since this was our first trip with new baby brother we had to have some matching sibling photos! We can’t wait to go up again this summer!