All About Oscar

Sarah recently welcomed her baby boy who was due on the exact same day as Smith. Sarah's birth stories pretty much put all the rest of us to shame. Smith was born a week early on New Years Eve, peacefully in her Mamma's bathtub at home. Oscar did the impossible and managed to outshine his sister by being born en caul, which means he was born inside his amniotic sac. Sarah's water never broke and she was one of the lucky few to experience this rare type of delivery. If you were wondering how rare... only one in every 80,000 births are en caul. So yeah, Oscar is pretty cool. And yeah, I'm kinda pissed Sarah didn't ask me to be a birth photographer because that would have been AMAZING to witness.

Even though it was all about Oscar last weekend, big sister Smith made sure to get some camera time too. I am so happy for Sarah, Will and their sweet fam, I only wish Will could have taken a little more time off work to be home for the shoot!