Scotland: Isle of Skye & the Highlands

The second half of our babymoon was so dreamy. We spent a few days in the Scottish highlands at the most perfect little Airbnb. But getting there was not easy...

Note to self: when renting cars outside of the US, specify that we want an AUTOMATIC!

We got our rental in Edinburgh and pretty much immediately realized it was going to be a long day. We were driving on the opposite side of the road, on the opposite side of the car, in a manual transmission. The fastest route went through the heart of the city on a road that was straight uphill. There were tons of big tour buses and taxis stopping all over and Townsend was having so much trouble shifting gears, it wasn't before long we started seeing and smelling smoke. We pulled off to let the car rest and try to figure everything out and he shortly realized he had been in 3rd gear the whole time, thinking it was 1st. Once he made this realization, driving got a lot easier, but we weren't out of the woods yet.

We decided to stop in a cute town along the way and tour a castle we had heard good things about. Parking was limited so we drove through the narrow streets looking for a spot. We finally found one on the side of the street and Townsend pulled right in... and then the realization hit us that we were facing downhill, parallel parked and there was noooo way we were getting out of that parking spot. Townsend tried to be a macho man and prove he could master the manual transmission. But alas, all he could do was inch us closer and closer to the car in front of us. Eventually, after begging him to please ask someone who knew how to drive the car to move us out of that tight spot because we were literally less than an inch from the car in front of us, he obliged.

The rest of our drive was uneventful besides the whole driving on the other side of the road thing on incredibly narrow windy roads with no shoulder, but its safe to say, we were beyond happy to arrive at our Airbnb.

This place was something out of a fairytale. The old farmhouse was situated on 30 acres of land with a gorgeous river flowing through it. When we arrived after our very long drive, we had no intention of leaving for dinner but there were no grocery stores nearby. Our hosts gave us bread, pasta, eggs, bacon, onions, and salad ingredients so I had enough to make us spaghetti carbonara for dinner and eggs and bacon for breakfast before heading to the Isle of Skye.

I had been looking forward to our day in the Isle of Skye the whole week so we got up early and headed out to explore! Our first stop was the Eilean Doonan Castle which was in such an incredible location, seriously wish we could just live there for the rest of our lives.

After the Castle, we stopped in the cutest little town, Portree, for lunch and some shopping. The buildings here were a nice pop of color amongst the cloudy green backdrop.

Because I was 32 weeks pregnant, the rest of our time in Skye was rather limited (only because Townsend wouldn't let me hike to waterfalls and rock formations, I was totes up for it). We went to Lealt Falls and explored the area before beginning our journey back to the comfort of our Airbnb.

The last few days we spent close to our place. We went to Loch Ness and of course got Leon a stuffed animal to bring home. Before heading to Glasgow for our flight home, we took a walk around the property at our Airbnb. We found the most beautiful forest area that made me understand why people think Scotland is the land of fairy's. It felt like we were in a dream! So of course, we had a last minute photoshoot to wrap up the trip!