
Ahhhhh Bermuda, can't say enough about this gorgeous little island. Townsend and I decided that we wanted to go somewhere tropical for a change since our last few vacations have been to mountainous, colder regions. We debated between the Bahamas, other Caribbean islands, Costa Rica, but finally settled on Bermuda based on recommendations from his best friend who had spent some time there. It also helped since we could fly there for super cheap with American Airlines points :)

We stayed at the Hamilton Princess, another recommendation from the bestie, and it was a dream! We typically ALWAYS stay at Airbnb's because we are always out and about so I am cheap AF but we decided to splurge for a couple of reasons.

1. You cant rent cars in Bermuda- you can rent mopeds but thats not going to work with kids so we wanted to be somewhere that could provide transportation and that was close to town

2. This hotel in particular had a private beach club and tons of stuff to do on the property

3. AND sometimes its nice to have SERVICE and not have to cook and clean for yourself! Plus the hotel recommended a great nanny which was BA and made the whole thing totally worth it.

Our first morning we woke up and walked to town for breakfast. We found the most adorable place called Devil's Isle that we ended up going back to almost every day after. We got there about 15 minutes before they opened so we walked around admiring the beautiful architechture and even popped into a church down the block (Leon loves to light candles for his loved ones thanks to training from his Yaya).

After breakfast, we got a cab to a beach across the island that I found on instagram, my go to travel guide. It looked really remote which I loved but when I read about it online, the reviews said things like "very dangerous hike down to the beach, do not attempt unless you are an experienced hiker" and "this beach is not suitable for children, extremely dangerous and challenging to get to". So naturally, I thought it sounded perfect (and I didnt share the reviews with Townsend). When the cab driver dropped us off, he too told us "you wont be able to get down to that beach, I can take you somewhere else." But I said no, we are going to check it out. Turns out it was the shortest, easiest walk down to a completely private, pristine beach. There were wooden steps along the cliff and we had absolutely no problem getting there. So yeah, Astwood Beach is a must!

We brought our snorkel gear and swam around looking at the vibrant fishes while Leon collected the very rare and unique sea glass *sarcasm*. After a few hours, we decided to get a cab to a more populated beach where we could get lunch (and beer, because....priorities).

We headed to Horseshoe Bay Beach which is quite possibly the most popular destination in Bermuda. Its filled with cruise guests and tourists but it was nice to get food and play in the sand with the kids. They also had a big rock with a little trail that I climbed with Leon.

That evening we ditched the kids with the nanny at the hotel and went out for dinner and drinks.

The next day we went to the Hamilton princess private beach club and it was so amazing. We sat in lounge chairs while Leon played on the beach front playground. They had every kind of toy, float, and water gear you could imagine. They also had a beautiful walk along the cliff with gorgeous views. This location used to be a historic hotel that was destroyed a number of years ago during a hurricane so some of the old hotel ruins are still there.

The number one thing to do on Townsend's list was fishing! So the next day, we went on a morning fishing and snorkel trip. I used to snorkel quite a bit with my parents when I was a kid but I havent been in at least 10 years. It was so fun to get back in the water and see the ocean life swimming around the shipwrecks that make Bermuda famous. I now need an underwater camera.

That evening we had another kid free evening in Hamilton which meant more awkward solo pictures :)

Our last few days were a bit rainy so we hired a cab to drive us around the island and show us some of the places we had not yet seen. We explored old town St. George and had lunch on the water before heading back to the hotel for some last minute pool time and dinner at the hotel (which was actually my favorite meal of the trip).