Christy + Travis: Married

Ahhhhhhh the most beautiful wedding with the most perfect couple. I had so much fun spending time with both bride and groom while they were getting ready. Both were so nervous and excited for their big day, it was adorable to watch. The groom told a story of how he and his bride to be met. They met when they were 19 through Travis' sister Megan, who was Christy's best friend. They connected immediately that night but the time wasn't right. Several years later, Christy moved in with Megan and the rest was history. She asked Travis on their first date and they have been inseparable ever since. Travis was brought to tears sharing this story and talking about how excited he was to marry her.

The scene was much of the same at the ceremony, lots of tears, cheers of happiness from the crowd, and so much love between the couple, their friends and family. The reception continued in similar style and then broke out into the greatest party. Their guests dined at candle lit tables, danced all night, and enjoyed desserts from a food truck. I am so happy for Christy and Travis, they will have a beautiful life together.