Cape Cod

Last summer, I took six weeks off to travel with my kiddos and get some quality time with them. It was so wonderful to have the freedom to just be with them exploring without having any of the mundane tasks of our normal life. One of our weeks together was spent in Cape Cod where we took side trips to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. I have only been to the Cape one time before for a quick trip when driving back from Maine so it was good to spend a bit more time seeing everything it has to offer.

Another reason I chose this location is because my mom was on a bike trip in Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard which allowed us to see her for some meals here and there.

We stayed at Ocean Edge Resort in Brewster which was a nice central location. I took the kids to Sandwich Boardwalk where we spent the morning walking around, playing in sand, throwing rocks, and almost getting stuck in quicksand! Thankfully we saw other kids step through it and get pulled out by their parents so we were able to avoid it.

We had a delicious lunch at a place called Raw Bar where we saw seals playing in the water and the place was perfectly kid friendly!

The next day we took the ferry to Nantucket which I was actually pretty nervous about. I was so scared about the logistics of the ferry. Do we need to get tickets in advance? Can I buy them online? How early do we need to get there? Where do I park? So I called and asked a million questions and figured, if it doesn’t work out, we will find something else to do. We woke up super early because I only wanted to spend the day there but wanted to maximize our time. I stopped by Starbucks because I’m an addict, found a place to park, bought our tickets just in the nick of time and were the last people on the boat just in time before they departed. Which is exactly how I like it. No unnecessary waiting time!

Once we got on the island, we briefly walked around to get our bearings. It was rather early so many of the shops and restaurants were not open yet. I decided to rent a bike to try and take the kids to the beach. Turns out renting a bike with two kids alone is not such a great idea (insert some kind of “I told you so” comment here). Galilee HATED the bike seat that she and Leon were riding in and screamed and cried the whole time. But we made it to the beach never the less. It was much to cold to swim but we played around until it started getting hot and rode back into town.

We walked around and did some shopping, had lunch and passed time before getting back on the ferry. Nantucket is so picturesque and almost too perfect for me. A little too tailored, a little too country club, and at times even felt a little unwelcome with my kids which was unsettling. But it was beautiful nonetheless and I would like to go back at some point and stay for longer than one day so that I can get a more complete experience.

The next day we loaded all of our stuff up and headed for Martha’s Vineyard! Unlike the Nantucket ferry, We took our car onto Martha’s Vineyard so it was a whole different experience (that I was also quite nervous about regarding logistics). But once on the ferry, Leon thought it was super cool. It was quick and drove off the ferry right onto the island with Taylor Swift serenading us in the car!

Right away I felt much more “at home” on Martha’s Vineyard. We stayed at a quirky little hotel that felt like it was an old summer camp of some sort. The rooms were reasonably renovated and comfortable and they had a huge yard and playground where the kids could run wild. It was so perfect for what I needed.

No question about it, the best part of our trip was Aquinnah Cliffs. We went there the next morning and got there very early. We had breakfast at the restaurant there and then went up a little path to explore the lighthouse. It was a stunning view. I met some Auburn alumni who kindly took our pictures, and the kids played in the grass. Leon wanted me to teach him how to use the self timer on my camera so some of our shots together below were directed by him! We were meeting my mom for a lunch picnic so I grabbed some lobster rolls from this little tourist shack

We met my mom for lunch that day and then drove around the island while the kids napped. I tried to find Jackie Kennedy’s property but could only guess. The next day we went right back to Aquinnah Cliffs. The day before I had seen people on the beach from our vantage point at the top and of course, I just had to figure out a way to get down there!

We found the trailhead and walked down early in the day. it was foggy and we saw some deer jumping! Once we got to the beach we just started walking towards the direction of the cliffs. It was a long walk. Leon was a champ the entire way to the bottom of the cliffs. By the time we got there the sun was shinning and we jumped around on the rocks. My mom was visiting the cliffs on her bike tour so we waved from the bottom. There was no one else on the beach that far which shocked me. This stunning walk was just deserted! Which is my favorite! As soon as we turned around to walk back, Leon lost all his steam. So I went into serious survival mode and put him on my shoulders, with Galilee in the baby carrier on my chest and began our walk back. It was probably a mile and a half in the sand, so hot, 2 kids on me and a diaper bag, omg, I was seriously about to pass out when we got back to the car. Thank goodness we were meeting my mom again for lunch. This time in Menemsha, which is the town that Jaws was filmed in! Talk about picturesque. This quaint fishing town is a total gem (and a place I’d so much rather explore than Nantucket, shhhh). Its teeny tiny and you cant spend much time there but its just so cute! We had more lobster rolls and lobster bisque out of a styrofoam cup for lunch.

I know this is a big blog post but I just have to reflect and say that sometimes traveling with kids is hard. Each day I have ups and downs with them. Some moments I wonder why I even do it, especially on these solo trips. But then there are moments when I watch my kids seeing something in nature they have never seen before. Or eat some kind of food they have never had. Or lay down in bed with them and hear them talk about the things that made them happy that day. It’s in these moments that I feel the closest to my children. And these memories and experiences are just priceless which is what keeps me going back for more :)