Spring in Charlottesville

Okay so it took a vacation to Charlottesville in April to remind me of one thing.... Florida has no seasons. The beauty of flower blooms all over made me seriously wish we had Spring to look forward to every year! I have always been a lover of fall, maybe because I have an October birthday, but this trip just solidified my need for a spring vacation every year! Bring on the recommendations!

We began our trip at Early Mountain Vineyards, the venue where our cousin was getting married. While everyone was rehearsing, we were tasting. And while Virginia wine isn't the best I've ever had, it sure hit the spot on this gorgeous day. I could not get enough pictures!

Later in the day (after the kids both took mid-day car naps), we headed to James Monroe Highland, the home of the fifth President. We had sandwiches from Take It Away on the lawn and enjoyed wonderful weather. Then Leon convinced Townsend to chase him in an open field while I stayed back and took some self timer pics with Galilee!

The next day, we had a little bit of time before the wedding so we drove out to Thomas Jefferson's home called Monticello to tour the property. It is a world heritage site and it was easy to see why. The views were gorgeous, the lawn impeccable, and the flowers in full bloom. Oh Spring, I love you so!

I ended the day by bribing Leon for pictures by chasing him in the lawn (his favorite game). Only problem is, 3 1/2 year olds don't follow through with bribes. So he refused to pose in pictures with me and instead only want me to pose for pictures so he could take them. Mostly he takes a bunch of blurry shots but about 1/30 are clear and are hilarious. So, eat your heart out with his excellent photography skills :)